Tips for Working Smart Not Hard

We all grown up hearing that if you work hard then you will get success. There are various quotes are here around us representing the same concept of working hard like:

 “Nothing worth having comes easy”

“Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want”

“Hard Work Beats Talent if talent does not work hard”

And lots of more like these. Here the question arises that can you get things that you want by working hard and does hard work/effort always increase the productivity?

According to research and experiments this is not the correct concept. Things are changed totally in modern world. It is a traditional concept that working hard is considered to be the key of success and achievements. But this is wrong, because there are lots of people who works hard all the night but many of them fails at achieving what they want after hard work. And this is a universal truth and we all have experienced this fact. Due to such things, the professionals always think that working smart is more important than working hard all the time.

You don’t need something extra to work hard. All you need just to know about working smarter concept in 5 minutes that what working smart look like. There are some signs if you are following these, then it means that you are working smart rather than working hard. Following are the signs if these are within your activities then it means that you are achieving goals of working smart concept.

When someone work smart not hard, he/she will:

Takes Break Seriously:

According to medical research, the human brain only has the capacity to stay focused only for about 90 minutes. After this period, it need to rest for about 15 minutes or more. If you don’t take breaks seriously, you will work hard but most probably your results will not be accurate, because after 90 minutes of continuous working your brain need rest. For some people these breaks may not be friendly, but taking these short breaks increase the probability of correct working results.

Work from Different Physical Locations and Postures:

Working from different locations will probably help you to improve your results required. Working from different locations does not mean to change your location completely, but try to change your physical locations. Means you may not be able to leave your office location, but you can move to different places in your office/company area. Physically changing the locations opens up your mind and help you in creativity.

Specify Time for Communicating with Others

Don’t always communicate with people via technology or by any other medium of communication. If consumes your time while communicating with people/clients. If you want to work smarter you have to refuse to let this thing happen. This is also known as professional behavior.

One Comment

  1. Marrie said:

    Yes, always work smart……………

    May 3, 2016

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