Why eLearning?

This article will take you to a unique journey of understanding the importance of eLearning in the light of past experiences, especially through the lessons learnt from the recent pandemic.

Lessons learnt from Pandemic 

In the past few months, the ever-changing dynamics of this world have taught us various lessons – not taught in schools or read in books ever before. We couldn’t predict such a catastrophe before us through satellites and modern-day algorithms like we monitor weather, hurricanes or sometimes earthquakes. Shaky, shattered and shrinking economies around the world are recovering from what they never expected. With never-seen-before pandemic came never-learnt-before lessons. During the lockdowns, people were stranded in their homes, shops were closed, offices were at no or minimum working, or people were working virtually from homes.

One of the greatest lessons of the pandemic is the realization of the fact that distant work, distant learning and distant socialization is possible, unique in its own ways with massive perks. Yes! In addition, it taught us that it is very important to continue learning and growing with changing trends, adapting to the growing circumstances to be able to survive.

Corporate Learning for organizational success

Consider yourself in a corporate organization which works and values its unique culture, brand strategies and wisdom. You were never there before, but now you are a part of them. To be able to survive, it is imperative that you learn, adapt and own the unique identity of the culture and values close to the organization’s heart. But how would you know that in an event of a pandemic? Do we still expect in-person training sessions when we can do that from distance from one’s own comfort anywhere? If Yes, then perhaps we are still short of the takeaways from the pandemic. It taught us to adapt to changing trends and utilize the available technologies and methods to overcome our needs and weaknesses. If we will not shift to eLearning now, we will be missing on huge savings on our time, costs, and efforts. Moreover, there are lots of engaging and motivating ways of how participants can be involved to respond best against the learning outcomes.

Demonstrated contributions of eLearning

With the curtains of pandemic falling back again, organizations must adapt to eLearning to train their people about the evolving needs of our time.

  • eLearning is the best resource to engage clients, share organizational goals and mission, and attract massive audience through engaging content.
  • Any compliance training for standards of any sort, from ISO to CE, or the evolving six-feet laws and mandatory requirements to curb the pandemic can be disseminated among people very effectively through eLearning.
  • Talk about Cyber Security, eLearning can help solve the challenge and train the brains to counter cyber-attacks.
  • eLearning has far-reaching benefits in health and safety.
  • Medical organizations frequently use eLearning to help their clients learn about their medical needs and available resources to help fulfil their needs.
  • Every organization values its specific code of ethics. Organizations usually find it hard to inculcate the sense of the code in every individual alike.
  • eLearning is a proven resource to train and gauge the learning outputs of the participants.
  • eLearning has contributed greatly to serve for mental wellbeing and sustainable resource production as well.
  • These challenges meet their destiny very effectively through eLearning experts who stimulate the learning process through various techniques and tools.


Of all the lessons the pandemic has taught us, distant learning is one of the most important ones. It is time we sail on the right boat at the right time and adapt to the increasing trend of eLearning around the world!