Rapid eLearning Best Practices

Rapid eLearning tools are best to produce excellent results in minimum time. eLearning is all about speed, if you provide contents in less time then you will be able to provide a good foundation for your project. Here in this post you will explore some best practices in eLearning that will help you to produce contents well and rapidly.

Right Authoring Tool

Before going ahead, you need to choose the right foundation/platform for your eLearning contents. You need correct and right tool. Choosing the right authoring tool, for your contents varies from situation to situation and time to time. You are supposed to look for tools that should work for long time. Means you are supposed to keep future of that particular tool in your mind. Here are the properties of a right eLearning authoring tool.

  • Should allow you to modify contents easily.
  • Should support all devices including hand held devices.
  • Should allow you to create interactive and engaging designs quickly and in minimum time.
  • Should allow you to develop and design templates for the future usage.
  • Should allow prototyping.


After choosing the right tool you need to plan things in the best way. Developing the right project plan help to estimates the efforts and resources. Initial project plan should focus on design of your course which includes the complete project design and development phases with full functionalities. Secondly, information that you provide to the audience. It will include what you are providing to end users and what will be the advantages of your provided contents for your course learners. Third and the last thing is the user interaction with courses. It includes the interactive design elements which are used mostly to create high quality user interaction and engagement with the system. Plaining is the most important factor for any activity. A good and meaningful project plan helps you to resolve problems and increase productivity from human resources involves in project.


Prototype is the best way to draw project rough designs together with your team members. A good prototype of your project helps you to minimize cost of your project as well as the resources, because the quality of good prototyping is to define things clearly. Initially, it takes some time, but with the passage of time it helps the project managers and developers to perform design and development steps easily and with quality. According to a blog there should be three qualities present in good prototype:

  • Develop prototype in the beginning of your project to ensure that you are on the right track.
  • Prototyping should be roughly, means there may or may not be changes in prototyping. A good prototype doesn’t require major changes.
  • Do it often, prototyping is iterative process. You need to repeat it again and again. A single project may contain several prototypes. Repeating prototyping helps you to engage with your client and reduce uncertainty in the course, because prototyping is easy to change in the initial stage. Try to start work on project after the approval of prototype from the client (if any), else approve it from your project manager or any higher authority.