Types of eLearning

With improvement in technology, eLearning has gained huge popularity in all sectors where learning is involved. With the inclusion of advance technology and development tools makes the development and creation of eLearning simple and convenient. Nowadays there are various organizations which provides training to their employees through this high rated source. eLearning is not a single entity, in fact there are various eLearning solutions that can be used to train your employees, learners, provide content to school children as well as in other fields of life. Choose the best e Learning type that suits you, in the upcoming section some types are given.

Game Based Learning

Game is the only source where people can spend various hours while playing. Games are full of fun for kids as well as for adults. This entertainment platform can be converted into learning source. Through games (online as well as offline) concepts and ideas can be converted into knowledge spreading in an innovative manner. Skill building games can be created by eLearning companies/organizations that encourage the learners to learn things beside entertainment. Various games like puzzles, quizzes are such type of games where end users can learn things easily.

Mobile Learning

With the growing trend of mobile technology, eLearning on mobile has its own value and it is becoming a very popular source in the learning methodologies. The immense mobile technology opened up door for mobile enabled learning. There is a huge difference between mobile learning and desktop learning. the content is totally change on mobile as compare to desktop or laptop computer. As a eLearning developer and/or designer you have to keep in mind all the aspects like disk space, screen size, image quality while developing a course for mobile device, because a little misunderstanding may lead you to the failure.

Social Learning

Social media plays a very important role all around the world in conveying messages. This power of social media can be used to promote culture of learning in an organization. Employees from the same domain around the world can use social media to discuss problems and share their experiences as well. Nowadays most of the experts around the world are seen active on social network like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.

Pure eLearning

In this type of eLearning the learning material is available on an internationally accepted platform or through a portable media like CD, DVD or within other computer based training tool. These courses may also be provided through web based training platforms like to upload your developed course on LMS. This learning method is helpful for professional learners who are more interested in learning and exploring new things.



  1. […] These days, most students are starting to evacuate themselves from the old learning methodologies. As the world develops faster than any time before, the learning ways are becoming more dependent on latest eLearning tools and techniques. Therefore, new and interesting ways of learning are starting to emerge with the help of eLearning tools. […]

    October 14, 2017
  2. […] are almost 65 percent people of the world use this approach to learn things. Same is the case in eLearning, it is the key concept to attract user’s attention and engage people in eLearning courses. Moving […]

    October 14, 2017

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