Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Learning that Improves the Learning Experience

Whether we accept it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a part of our lives. Everything that we do, including buying stuff on the internet or watching shows on the TV, is somehow influenced to various areas of AI. AI is more than what we see with mobile device assistants like Siri, Alexa, or the movie “Ex-Machina.” Now, artificial intelligence (AI) is making changes across industries and helping businesses to be more productive and dynamic.  However, the question that needs to be asked in this context is what effect would AI have on learning?

In this article, we will explore the many advantages of AI in learning which improves the learning experience.

Personalized Learning

Various AI-enabled algorithms can analyze the users’ knowledge and interests and provide more personalized recommendations and training programs.

We all have a different pace of acquiring knowledge. In every class, there are different kinds of learners and It is difficult for a teacher or instructor to meet the expectations of each learner out there. This problem can be solved through AI. There are average students, excellent students, and students with special needs. And it is important that all of them have the same kind of access to education and learning. The real essence of AI systems is that they are able to adapt quite easily to the individual learning-related requirements of a learner. Each learner can get instructions that are based on their relative strengths and weaknesses. This means that the learning experience is a lot more interesting and meaningful for the learner.

Meaningful Feedback to Students

AI has the capacity to find out gaps in learning content on the basis of how students are performing in the assessments.  Let’s say that most of the students in a class have failed to answer a question the right way. AI looks into that pattern and if any information or concepts are missing in the curriculum, it provides indicators for the instructor/teacher to include better materials or use better methods of learning. Here is another example. The Coursera platform can notify the teacher if many students chose incorrect answers to a particular question. As a result, the tutor has an opportunity to pay attention to the demanded topic.

Virtual mentors

AI-based platforms offer virtual mentors to track the students’ progress. Of course, only human teachers can understand the scholars’ needs better, but it’s good to get instant feedback from virtual tutor.

Curriculum Automatic Creating

Teachers and instructors get great benefit from AI development. These days, they don’t need to create a curriculum from scratch. As a result, tutors spend less time searching for necessary learning materials.

Anticipated Learning Path

Transforming learning through an anticipated learning path means that artificial intelligence will assess the learner’s performance and determine which information path is best for the user. AI with these capabilities will provide recommendations on what kinds of information a user needs.


Many of us still believe in traditional teaching and learning methods and fear of adapting technologies, but now it’s time to accept the change because AI can offer many improvements and possibilities in the domain of education and learning. It is supposed to bring about a dramatic improvement in the overall educational experience with AI.