3 Simple Techniques to Grab Learner’s attention

In eLearning the most important factor is to grab the attention of end users. This is important to focus on end user’s requirements rather than focusing on other stuff. There are number of approaches by which you can design eLearning courses for end users. You can use these approaches when developing eLearning courses. Among all these approaches three are given below which are considering the most important features for grabbing the attention of end users.

Show them the Big Picture

Try to give everything in context. You can present all the content and the information at one time. This approach will help your users/learners see the overall context and learn things quickly. It is also a good option for the end users because it gives a full freedom to explore the content showing on the screen and puts them in a position of discovery. Another way of presenting the information is the storytelling technique. Means provide content in a flow. Start from the low move to the high. This approach helps users in creating a connection for learning.

Point out Important Things

The best approach of presenting information is to give them the right thing at the top. Means provide ad show important features and information clearly on the screen. This will save time of end users as well as help them to learn things quickly. If you are not using this approach, then it will distract the attention of learner and as a result it will be hard for you as a content provider to gain the right results. This is the best technique. You still give the learners all of the information up front.  However, by pointing things out on the screen, you’re able to draw their attention to those things that are more important than others.

Don’t Use Unwanted Content

There are some eLearning content providers who use unwanted content to increase size of the course. But this is not the right way to grab attention of learners. Because unwanted content distracts the user’s attention rather than grabbing. The drawback of using unnecessary contents in course will discourage users. Only use to the point content for the user courage. To achieve this approach, you need to follow the storyboard, this is the place where you can find all that information which are relevant and are necessary to draw in an eLearning authoring tool such that Storyline, Lectora, PowerPoint etc.